Welcome to UPS KERALA
Murickens group an ISO certified company introduces two trade brand names, "MG" and "Flyline", the products of which are maintenance free , cost effective and power saving to cater to the needs of the state by introducing and promoting solar based home appliances and lights. Eventhough the usual practice is to use the Offline and Online UPS we are now forced to switch over to the solar based items in accordance with the tastes and thoughts of the consumers. Murickens are very popular in kerala real estate market. and We help people to buy and sell their properties.
"Murickens Group" the number one Manufacturer & Dealer of UPS in Kerala with ISO standards have thousands of satisfied customers all over the world and we develop and market every product with the aim of power saving In the uninterrupted power supply felid we have four types of UPS like Flyline - Off-line UPS, Dual UPS, Solar UPS and On-line UPS. We have two types of registered Brand names "MG" & "FLYLINE".
To light and operate your domestic and office equipments from unexpected power failures.
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MG Lightning arrester is a lightning protecton device manufactured by Murickens Group.
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Pure sine wave inverter or UPS is a modified version of the online system introduced with the aim of reducing investments and to obtain good results. It is an essential inverter for the working of highly sensitive equipments which are commonly used in laboratories and hospitals for getting accurate results.
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Now days as we have to depend upon hydro electric power, thermal power, natural gas power, nuclear power etc to get AC power which are costlier and unreliable due to huge consumption, we are forced to think of an alternate source like solar power converting system.
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In kerala even though we have enough solar energy we are using and converting only a very small amount and FLYlLINE solar sine wave power unit is quite popular in power saving due to the usage of renewable energy resource.
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Flyline solar direct current system is best way of converting solar sun light power to a direct current. It can be used any where on earth where sun light is available and there is no expenses and headache for wiring or cabling, It is a fully automatic solar system most suitable for Street Lighting, Highway lighting, path way lighting, parking-up lighting, Campus Lighting, Hoardings, and Yard Lighting, Muricken's group developed this with all advanced modern features.
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Step-Up transformers are generally used to boost up low voltage, an thus stabilize the Voltage from transmission line, which is harmful to our costly equipments/ house appliances.
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Many countries use Electrical/Electronic equipments which operate at 110V but India we use a Standard Voltage of 240V, which is harmful to use. So Muricken's Group have been manufacturing and marketing in Kerala, different capacities of 110V Step Down Transformers with automatic voltage stabilizer with various advanced features.
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Perfectly stable output even under severe conditions of imbalanced Voltage with distortion-free, automatic Voltage controller.
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The first power saver body condensing deep freezer of Kerala is MG Deep Freezers, which has been unbeaten in Kerala market, because of its low power consumption, low maintenance, fast cooling performance and other remarkable advantages. It can be used as a multi compartment freezer for various purposes, such as, as freezer for preserving meat, fish, ice-cream, as a cooler for soft drink and other beverages, vegetables and milk.
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Preserving in tact the bodies of the departed for a number of days at any required place and it has its top & sides with acrylic/glass to get a full view of the physical remains.
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Photovoltaic cells also known as solar cells are made of two layers of semiconductor materials. When light enters the cell, electrons are forced to flow between the layers to produce current .
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MG Solar Water Heaters are more efficient and high in performance in heating water as compared to others available in the market. MG solar water heaters are affordable, need to no maintenance. Solar Water Heaters is one of the options to conserve the energy.
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MG Solar Powered Water Pump is highly efficient solar water pump manufactured by Murickens Group.Solar water pump is an electrical system work with the help of solar energy.MG BLDC(Brush Less Direct Current) Solar Water Pump is essential device work in any environment.MG Solar Water Pump is an essential devices to pump out water.
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There are many types of batteries available in the market. And two types commonly used for inverter purposes are lead acid battery and concealed battery. Both are tubular type but for long life applications lead acid batteries are more suitable.
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Flyline renewable energy charging control is a devise to control and utilize DC solar power.
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New revolutionary adventure for dead body preserving unit used for hospitals and nursing homes with low investment and power saving model.
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It works as a guard for electronic house hold equipments, commonly used for fridge, freezer, TV, DVD, music systems, it is fully automatic with different capacities and working ranges.
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Flyline Solar power plant installation video of MG Marketing System:- Click Here
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